Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Unluck Catan Cities And Knights

African beads and pearls around the world and history

This message to you is to share with you the rest of my discoveries.

is what I found on the site Cocobean specializing in ancient beads. By what a good picture is worth a thousand words (sometimes).
So, a very interesting card materials and distribution pattern of beads Africa, from prehistory to the present.

and a very informative timeline of pearl production through the ages and the world and depending on materials used

In the table below Below, I could recognize the beads found recently during earthworks the new Busua Inn, which also instantly that fleetingly, turned into archaeological excavations ...

a larger array of beads and some images found:

All these illustrations come from work by Lois Sherr Dubin in "the book of pearls" , Editions La Martiniere.


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