Thursday, February 17, 2011

Columbia Virtual Academy Blog

A game of taro? Fufu

Point card ... with leaves ...

scientific name is Colocasia taro, which is one of the most popular tuber in the humid tropics.

It can reach about one meter tall and produce edible tubers of about thirty centimeters long.
Taro leaves provide a large amount of vitamin A, necessary for good growth, eye health and disease prevention. They also contain vitamin C and vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Vitamin C keeps the body tissues strong, helps the body absorb iron. Vitamin B2, or riboflavin also promotes growth and the view. Taro leaves contain interesting finally amounts of calcium and iron.
A "medical food" tradition.

Taro leaves should be picked fresh and farms.
leaves, as the tuber, can cause itching in the mouth if they are not properly prepared, due to the presence of calcium oxalate. Calcium oxalate is not pleasant and it causes feelings of irritation and burns, as caused by mini glass particles. Therefore, some simple measures can avoid this and thus access to this tasty leaf.

For example, before cutting it into small pieces, I always soak before, it avoids the burning sensation of the fingers, then I boiled twice, throwing the first cooking water .

The word " Palava " would talk shop which is derived of Portuguese word " Palavra " literally word.
But no more than gossip and other palaver ...

Heading into the sauce recipe or sauce Palava palaver!

In fact, it is a stew than a sauce, a rich mixture of nktumré, and Agushi of meat or fish.

palm oil is a red oil from the seeds of palm .
You can replace by corn oil and 4 teaspoons of turmeric to give a similar visual effect.
medium onions, finely chopped
large tomatoes, blanched, peeled and crushed
Salt and pepper to taste
2-4 chillies (peppers), finely chopped (optional) 250 g of meat (beef, chicken) or fish (in this case choose the firm flesh)
Nktumiré you can substitute spinach
Agushi or egushi
Agushi or egushi (pumpkin seeds and generally all cucurbits)

Heat oil in a saucepan and saute the onions. Add tomatoes, pepper and chillies. If you use corn oil, add turmeric here. Bake for 10-15 minutes over low heat, stirring regularly.
Add salt. Simmer over very low heat, stirring regularly. Add nktumré.
Cover and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes or until the nktumiré is cooked. Add to Agushi sauce. Bake 10-15 minutes over low heat.
Serve hot with rice boiled yam or plantain porridge (to choose bright green).
Bon appetite!

The nktumré can also be used for making sauce (with ginger and fish) is delicious. Or still pie with shrimp and prawns.
A good local product around here.


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