Saturday, February 26, 2011

Nice Things To Write In Engagement Cards

and Corruption Europe and immigrants, immigrants and Europe

Friday, February 25, 2011

Words Forchurch Anniversary Ad

Bits of Wood Sembene Ousmane in God

Ousmane Sembene

The novel was published In 1960, the year of the independence of most of francophone West African States.
It takes place in the colonial era. The 3rd work of Senegalese Sambène based on an old tradition in some African countries where superstition there are not people live, as it does not indicate the exact number of children one has, in order to avoid the evil spirits that shorten their lives.

They are known by the euphemism "the kindling of God," to ward off bad luck. So that women describe themselves together in the novel.
"Do not count us, please," said Seni rising precipitously, we are Bouts de Bois de Dieu, you we'd die. " (P. 301)

Inspired by a true

In this masterpiece African literature, the author draws on a true story: the railroad strike of 20,000 of the Dakar-Niger, held in Dakar and Bamako, in October 1947 to March 1948.
Sembene reveals the reasons that prompted the railroad to stop work for five months. They all spring from their position as African workers. They are disadvantaged compared with their European colleagues who have privileges beyond measure.

Their claims can be summarized in few words: increased salaries, allowances, annual vacation, pension, and right to create their own union.

These claims have been developed in Thies, "the city's rail". The railway line serving the cities Dakar, Thies, Bamako and Rufisque, which become the centers of rebellion.
Dakar is the administrative center. This is where important decisions are made. It is also the seat of colonial administration and trade unions. Pieces of wood supply in the light of God, a civilization in flux, torn between attraction and mistrust vis-à-vis the West.

Dedicated by the author to his "brothers union and all union members and their companions in this vast world " The sticks of God is a hymn to the brotherhood in workers' struggles and also a victory celebration of African solidarity over colonial oppression.
limits to fraternity

However novelist see also knows the flaws of this fraternity and this solidarity and there is no shortage to denounce local complicity that contribute to or maintain oppression.
He forcefully criticizes the transgressors of all kinds, especially certain religious leaders and some traders who play the game with just their personal interests over those of the community.

These sticks of God, we send messages of popular struggle, debate, threats of extremist excesses, always on standby, even in most cases nobles.
Sembene weaves a web whose son deliver this message: "Blessed is he who fights without hate."

Ousmane Sembene (more info here ) died in 2007 has directed a short film Borom Sarret first fiction film in Francophone Africa Sub-Saharan Africa, produced in 1963.

He has directed dozens of films among the best known: "e''Money,''''Xala, Ceddo'''''' Guelwaar ''and''
Thiaroye Camp''was filmed in 1987, which recounts the killing of Senegalese infantrymen in Thiaroye, a suburb of Dakar, on the morning of 1 December 1944 and finally "Moolade'' in 2004.

Ousmane Sembene is an undoubted pioneer of African literature and cinema. A (re) discovery;

Christmas Gifts For Stroke Victims

Moon City: virtual tour

Here is a nice animation, a virtual tour of the level top of the bar of Moon City. Published on the website of Moon, revamped for the occasion.

And little info on the right wall of the bar, took him to the ceiling is the beginning of a smoking cabin. Just a cabin, not to remove too many places the lounge, just enough to allow smokers to avoid having to get dressed to go out smoking. The club's goal is not to make a corner hug or a boudoir smoking.

link this virtual tour by clicking here

And a new video from January 2011:
(You can see people dressed was a special night "dance", where the bar is transformed into a typical music track with disco, mixing dry club club moist, about once a quarter).

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

All Terrain Vehicle Clip Art

Environmental Film Festival in Accra, environmental film

The call for proposals is open. More information here .
The theme is "state of the environment."
Grab your camera!

The call for proposals IS open ! More information here .
Under the theme "The State of The Environment"
Grab your camera !

Saturday, February 19, 2011

What Does Cervical Mucus Before Period Look Like

Walls walls of Accra, the Wall are speaking! The walls speak.

Mickey Mac (I love this contraction!) Fast food
"a man does not eat, drink bar," says it all! On the trail of Miamia (western region)

one of my favorite show ... Pork! On the road to Axim (Western Region)

of to beat: beat, a little confusion with the "bitters" bitter drink that Ghanaians love, c 'is a bar to rumble! on track Miamia (western region)
on the wall of my neighbor, in Busua (western region)

cold beer!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Where To Buy Chex Mix

because a picture ...

worth a thousand words:

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Columbia Virtual Academy Blog

A game of taro? Fufu

Point card ... with leaves ...

scientific name is Colocasia taro, which is one of the most popular tuber in the humid tropics.

It can reach about one meter tall and produce edible tubers of about thirty centimeters long.
Taro leaves provide a large amount of vitamin A, necessary for good growth, eye health and disease prevention. They also contain vitamin C and vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Vitamin C keeps the body tissues strong, helps the body absorb iron. Vitamin B2, or riboflavin also promotes growth and the view. Taro leaves contain interesting finally amounts of calcium and iron.
A "medical food" tradition.

Taro leaves should be picked fresh and farms.
leaves, as the tuber, can cause itching in the mouth if they are not properly prepared, due to the presence of calcium oxalate. Calcium oxalate is not pleasant and it causes feelings of irritation and burns, as caused by mini glass particles. Therefore, some simple measures can avoid this and thus access to this tasty leaf.

For example, before cutting it into small pieces, I always soak before, it avoids the burning sensation of the fingers, then I boiled twice, throwing the first cooking water .

The word " Palava " would talk shop which is derived of Portuguese word " Palavra " literally word.
But no more than gossip and other palaver ...

Heading into the sauce recipe or sauce Palava palaver!

In fact, it is a stew than a sauce, a rich mixture of nktumré, and Agushi of meat or fish.

palm oil is a red oil from the seeds of palm .
You can replace by corn oil and 4 teaspoons of turmeric to give a similar visual effect.
medium onions, finely chopped
large tomatoes, blanched, peeled and crushed
Salt and pepper to taste
2-4 chillies (peppers), finely chopped (optional) 250 g of meat (beef, chicken) or fish (in this case choose the firm flesh)
Nktumiré you can substitute spinach
Agushi or egushi
Agushi or egushi (pumpkin seeds and generally all cucurbits)

Heat oil in a saucepan and saute the onions. Add tomatoes, pepper and chillies. If you use corn oil, add turmeric here. Bake for 10-15 minutes over low heat, stirring regularly.
Add salt. Simmer over very low heat, stirring regularly. Add nktumré.
Cover and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes or until the nktumiré is cooked. Add to Agushi sauce. Bake 10-15 minutes over low heat.
Serve hot with rice boiled yam or plantain porridge (to choose bright green).
Bon appetite!

The nktumré can also be used for making sauce (with ginger and fish) is delicious. Or still pie with shrimp and prawns.
A good local product around here.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Customized Jac Vanek Braclets

for ever and gnocchi fufu

Gastronomy Ghana, or at least the products used or derived therefrom, provides great opportunities for experimentation and transformation.
The encounter .. merger born out new dishes, I mentioned very recently through the site Patti.

Today the menu, a dish of Ghana: fufu.

Star National Food of the country, it varies by region. Over 6 years I have lived in Ghana, I met one Ghanaian who did not eat fufu is tell you the popularity of this dish.

Fufu is elastic and compact at a time. In some areas, it is appreciated very elastic, then it will increase the proportion of plantain. For the compact high, + + + cassava. Not too soft for the plantain, it is recommended to use the yam.
's all about balance.
In neighboring countries, it is called foutou, fu, fufu.
The three basic ingredients for our fufu are plantain, cassava (or cassava) and energy to transform the 2 previous paste.

dish slow sugar excellent for athletes and sports ranges. It is also quite common to meet men "Pileur" fufu bar in the shop (literally, bars where you swallow) that serve this dish, often unique for a very reasonable price.

First, we must peel the cassava (manioc) who have skin that looks like
rather to a bark as it is hard.
For plantains, the operation is easier.


Then take her pestle, and his muscles dexterity because ... watch your fingers!

And pound, pound, pound, ancestral gesture and sound, so familiar from the drumstick, rising prices. Not an event without this dish. It must be said that the ingredients are cheap and grow in every corner of the land and it is invigorating! It takes the body! Like many Ghanaians are engaged in activities that require lots of energy, this dish of slow sugar is particularly suitable.

For financial reasons or by choice, some do with yams, as I pointed out one of my neighbors with a disdainful pouting lips hanging "Is't The Right One", this is not true. To which he added "Is To soft, it is too soft.

To accompany it, a bunch of sauce and soup are available.
With taro leaves (called here Nkutumré, kontomniré or cocoyam and leave again, poetically silver beet), it will be dressed with sauce Palava.
peanut sauce accompanies the soup with groundnuts (MAFF called Francophone countries) with chicken or fish, eggs sometimes.
The palm fruit ornamentation of a pretty red color and then called palm soup (very very long to prepare).
In view of rapid urbanization and its corollary, the rural exodus (about 50% of Ghana's population lives in cities), the food industry has adapted this dish if done in an apartment complex to imagine the coil downstairs neighbors if by chance you put yourself in pounding fufu in your apartment! Fufu dried powder is then offered for sale.

Based Ghanaian friends is a pretty good substitute. Soup seed (or seed sauce in Francophone countries) palm is also prepared in any tin can.

Fast food fufu and traditions ..

So to continue the transformation,
today culinary experimentation,
asked Professor Calculus in the kitchen ...

gnocchi Fufu ... Made in Busua Inn

For the base, make a fufu as described above and then divide it into long roll. Although wet your fingers because it sticks. Cut into small chunks, just like the gnocchi, it must have something in common.

This will be the form cons as cassava and potato flour vs. plantain as much use local products, Ghanaians to work, run the local economy, avoiding too much of this (unfortunately) famous carbon and trace discover the Ghanaian cuisine.

A little flour, fry in a skillet with butter (some of my roots are Norman) and serve with ... what you want.
nkutumré or taro leaves (also called cocoyam leave) cut

For my part, I made a tomato sauce Fresh leaves and tarot cards that I flavored with oregano and thyme (I give the recipe on request).
In this sauce, I cooked chicken, it could be fish.

A sauce between the two shores, between Provence, western France and Ghana.
fusion cuisine I told you?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Kms Hair Stay Styling Gel

fusion cuisine ... The world is now

Patti (picture on his site)
when you hold us ...

Today I would like to share a site that sent me a (good) friend. This site Patti , a young woman raised in Ghana and lives in England for years.

One of his passions is the kitchen as a meeting, a mixture of influences, inspirations and ingredients.

Like what stirred the debate on multiculturalism in France - which leads me to coexistence as a mosaic - which I prefer the concept of interculturalism (see here a debate on the subject) whose revenues are Patti so alive and inspiring examples, can move both side of the table and stomach and then be incorporated ... as stated so clearly the title of his site "mix of culture and flavors, "a mix of culture and taste ...

ps: a small point, typing this post, the word multiculturalism is recognized by the program. interculturalism For it tells me an error .... this is normal, doctor?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Quadriderm Nf Can Be For Henital

open: Ketakor side stroll.

Ketakor Is A Fishermen Village On The tiny western coast of Ghana. It Seems Almost Forgotten By The rst of the World. To get there, you Have to Take the track to Cape3points for 25 miles and turn left Into the lane, after Ezile Bay Village .
The alternative is to park his car at Ezile Bay and take the beautiful coastal path overlooking the sea, in the shade of tall trees.

The inhabitants of this village are charming and always with warm hospitality, full of bright smiles with a relaxed relationship with time.
However, like many villages in the western region, life is rough. Access to water (forget flush toilet) is hard and electricity is still a promise, repeated many times.
Soon, we will work on projects to improve the life of this village. We'll keep you posted.

vue de Ketakor sur la presqu'ile d'Ezile, crédit :

However, Ketakor residents, proud of their little village, maintain it. 

For example, the beach is cleaned regularly. Admittedly, also called Ketakor, Katakor or LP's is a good surfing spot. 

Surfing at Ketakor spot    
Surf School impromptu with Luka   Pratneker , a very " endless summer " atmosphere , a cult film among surfers        

This small village has its little monkey sanctuary, where people watch after them with great attention.

crédit Piet Schermerhorn

The Mona monkey settle in the lower part of the village
and Ketakor residents protect and nourish them,
it is possible to see them at dawn or evening at dusk.
The mona monkey has a very high social cohesion and is frequently
associated with other monkeys.

They live in groups of about 12 individuits. They are mostly active in morning and afternoon (or evening).

I look like beautiful teeth ! Photo Piet  Schermerhorn  

Monkeys mona like other monkeys, generally avoid serious conflict. Do you know why monkeys mones are unique from other apes? Because of their color that makes them significant distance.

We regularly have guests who visit the residents of Ketakor. We advise them to go first, say hello to the chief and leave 2 or 3 cedis to assist and encourage local initiatives to protect the environment and animals.

Ketakor away from the fury of the world offers the opportunity for quiet time and genuine encounters.

Sound system à Ketakor, crédit :

So if you come to Ezile Bay or take the trail to Cape3points, enjoy a stop in this village where the world is now open ...
The world is now open, small bar at Ketakor, photo:

Do 100mm Wheels Fit On A Razorpro Scooters

The world is now open (The World is now open) side stroll or Ketakor Katakor

Ketakor or Katakor is a tiny village of fisherman and farmers of the western coast of Ghana.

It seems almost forgotten world. To get there, you have to take the trail Cape3points for 25 miles and turn left into the lane, after that of Ezile Bay Village.

The alternative is to park his car Ezile Bay and take the beautiful coastal path overlooking the sea, in the shade of tall trees.

The inhabitants of this village are charming and Hospitality is always warm, full of bright smiles, with a relaxed relationship with time. However, like many rural villages in the western region, life is rough. Access to water (because forget the toilet) is hardy and electricity is still a promise, repeated many times. Soon, we will work on projects to improve the life of this village. We'll keep you posted.

Ketakor view on the peninsula of Ezile credit:
net fishing Katokor

Ketakor The people, proud of their little village, maintain it. For example, the beach is cleaned regularly. Admittedly, also called Ketakor Katakor or LP's is a good spot for surfing .

Surf Beach Ketakor Katakor

School Surfing with impromptu Ketakor Luka Gregor Pratneker (photo credit), a very "endless summer " (endless summer in French), a cult film among surfers.

Photo Piet Schermerhorn

This small village has its small sanctuary monkeys, which people watch with great attention and kindness. These are Mona Monkey or Cercopithecus mona monkey called once. They have a characteristic among all species of monkey.

Indeed, the monkeys have different bright colors in the head. These are characteristics that allow them to recognize them in case of encounters in different species of monkey.

The monasteries have settled in the lower part of the village and residents protect and nourish. It is possible to see at dawn or evening at dusk.

I nice teeth! Photos of Piet

We regularly have guests and friends who will visit the residents Ketakor.
We advise them to go, first of all, say hello to the head and leave 2 or 3 cedis to assist and encourage local initiative to protect the environment and animals.

Ketakor away from the fury of the world offers the opportunity for quiet time and genuine encounters.

sound system to Ketakor credit:
So if you come to Ezile Bay or take the trail Cape3points, treat yourself to a stay in this village where the world is now open ...

The World now open, small bar Ketakor, photo credit: