I mentioned recently the arrival of the fabulous little statuette Guro . She was accompanied by a couple of statues rather haughty.
Pokou The kidney and her husband |
This is the Queen Poku and her husband was someone Abla Poku!
Abla Poku is a legendary figure in Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire. It would, according to stories ancestral founder of the kingdom or Baule Baule.
The legend of Queen Abla Poku.
Abla Poku was born near his great-uncle, Osei Tutu, founder of the Asante confederation of Ghana and Ashantehene, great builder, he printed a remarkable growth in its new empire and made the region rich in Kumasi the capital, the legend said that the streets were paved with gold bullion.
After many adventures, Abla Poku and his people found themselves in front of the Comoé river, whose opposite shore seemed to be synonymous with freedom and security. Recent rains in the rainy season had turned the river into a veritable torrent.
Abla Poku |
Queen Poku then handed it to his priest, the messenger of heaven and guardian
traditions, this one after contacting the ancestors, neterus
and the supreme god ; told him that the only way for salvation of the people
was to sacrifice his queen that was most dear, that is, his son Kwaku
the rightful heir of the Ashanti empire.
Kwaku Poku and his son |
constraint to execute the divine will, the young prince Poukou Kwaku confided to the priest who jumped into the river tormented .
Miraculously, the river became calm, scavengers and went crocodile, hippopotamus lined up to form a bridge allowing the Baule people of the cross.
Check on this new land, she murmured "ba or li, ie the child died. In tribute to his gesture clan leaders renamed the name of ethnicity Baoule.
The Baule people
The Baoulé s are a people who live mainly in central Cote d'Ivoire, near the cities of Bouake and Yamoussoukro ( the country's capital). This group represents about 23% of the total population.
These statues, according Pierron Primitive Art s - always generous in sharing his knowledge - are derived from Attias lagoon.
atti are part of the Akan group.
This one is located in east, central and south eastern Cote d'Ivoire.
The group is divided into Akan Akan Centre (mainly Baoule), in Akan border (the Agni, Abron) and lagoon Akan (Ebrié Adioukrou, and Aboure Appollonien).
What this flirtatious Queen Poku! |
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