Monday, June 28, 2010

Density In Lung X Ray


The European Commission had asked on 17/10/2007 by reasoned opinion (2

The commission grants so within two months for an amendment of the articles.

Without an adequate response to the reasoned opinion, the European Commission has referred 26.6.2008 before the courts of the European Communities and the opening phase of the litigation process the cons France for infringement.

current year 2008, a working group was initiated by the High Council of Statutory Auditors (H3C) with the aim of establishing an inventory of the practical difficulties code.

However, this group composed of H3C, the MEDEF and the profession of auditors will its proposals in April 2009 proposals also going in the direction of a relaxation of the code.

contentious situation appears to have passed unnoticed by media professionals and given the magnitude of the global financial crisis that bâtait full time. In all cases it was completely obscured because of the global media coverage of the latter.

Having received indemnities from the French government that the decree, 16/11/2005 approving the Code of Conduct had been declared by the State Council unlawful because they have provided transitional measures, large firms are seeing their position on the code of ethics and scope of the baptismal font and more than ever strengthened.

Article 24:

Article 29:

http://www.legifrance.gouv. com / cidTexte LEGITEXT000006071103 = & = idArticle LEGIARTI000006501648 dateTexte = 20091231 & EC Action: = 0 & language = EN & guiLanguage = en DUFOUR, Olivia

Option Finance, 04/27/2009, No. 1026, p12.


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