C REA M ODE opens its doors Saturday 8 and Sunday, May 9, 2010 from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. without interruption. This 7 th edition exhibition of jewelry, accessories and fashion apparel host 40 creators in the fields of jewelry, accessories fashion with hats, scarves, belts and bags plain or with flowers, traditional or modern, women's clothing (dresses, t-shirt, trousers etc. ..) for children (blouses, dresses, shorts etc ...) and all this small series parts Unique. Opportunity for you purchase various pieces, quality and often unique out "price shop". Many designers will unveil their creations combining aesthetics and originality.
They are all Builders and Designers French coming present their latest creations. Most of them belong to Ateliers d'Art de France , thus ensuring quality and originality of their work.
Saturday and Sunday afternoon, in makeup and makeup tips free for adults conducted by 2 students of the school of makeup FORUM MAKE UP SCHOOL.
you soon