Thursday, December 31, 2009
Prostate Cancer Survival Rates 8 Gleeson
Hello, very pleased to anounce held in Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire, West Africa, the 3rd day of 2009 Technical Diploma of Chartered Accountant and Finance (DECOFI)
Hip Pain While Running
The Thursday, July 9, 2009 The IASB has published the final version of its proposed IFRS for small and medium-sized entities (SME's)
Bravo to the IASB for the swiftest to requests from the community and financial accounting.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Osmosis And Diffusion Ap Lap Report
Summer 2007, the financial crisis began with what I call all the crisis of subprime
This implies that the financial statements of 2008, the fair value option for the evaluation (total or partial) of assets and liabilities should be applied and consequently impaired assets under the deficit being experienced by the financial system.
The fear of the impact of losses from impairment tests on the results of financial institutions already in trouble, will not fail to present the method as responsible for aggravating the crisis. Not only politicians but also by experts in finance and accounting.
Thus, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) will be regularly challenged on the applicability of the method in the case of illiquid or inactive market as well as developing a guide for application of the method.
Maintaining the successive adoption of IAS / IFRS in the EU was at stake when the deal. Under pressure the IASB Chairman then seemed tempted by the resignation.
addition to pressure from the European standard-setters on the IASB, the G20 also calls into question the credibility, independence and accountability of international standard-setter, anything that will force the Trustees to address the group at its meeting of 15/11/2008.
Finally in October 2008 the IASB adopted an amendment to IAS 39 and IFRS 7 for the reclassification of certain financial assets of financial institutions. Measures were also taken in the direction of strengthening the credibility of the institution (amendment of the constitution and establishment of a council to oversee the Trustees) and a work plan was developed to address the crisis and respond to the findings of the G20.
Also a guide to application of fair value in an inactive market environment was issued in October 2008 and other technical documents to clarify the standards.
The work of the IASB and IASC to remain credible and responsible for international standardization, are not only extraordinary but also to welcome as these institutions did not disappoint those who early brought them their trust and support .
Indeed, institutions such as the AICPA, FASB, PCAOB, IFAC early supported the views of the IASB, and as time goes by, the support is growing.
Latest date in support of fair value include very distinguished Ben S Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury Secretary by President Obama, Timothy Geithner.
every reason to believe that fair value is driven back into the good graces of key decision makers, although a survey by the Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR) reported by Reuters in January 2009 indicated that the vast majority of European banks why the amendment to IAS 39 and IFRS 7 was reached had not exercised the option to reclassify the toxic assets.
not wait for the neutrality of accounting practices in return for the good of all. Case
Rene Ricol , Report on the financial crisis in the context of the French Presidency of the European Union,
September 2008. 165 p.
Trustees of IASC , Trustees letter adressed to US President .
- IASB , Reclassification of Financial Assets
. Amendments to IAS 39 Financial Instruments: - Recognition and Measurement an d
IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures . - October 2008, 14 p .
AMF , Recommandations de l' AMF en vue de l'arrêté des comptes 2008
. 29 octobre 2008, 25 p. - IASB Expert Advisory Panel, Measuring and disclosing the fair value of financial instruments in markets that are no longer active. October 2008, 84 p.
- Articles
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wide Fit Wellies Ladies
other organizations do not have a control component of an effective control system and / or efficient.
- On 04/06/2008, COSO published the exposure draft on the draft guide for effective steering system of internal control.
- 02/04/2009 The COSO, after two years toiling finally published the final version of his guide to drive the system of internal control. This guide includes three volumes:
Volume I presents the basic principles for effective control of the internal control system and its connection with developing the COSO
Volume II develops in detail the principles outlined in Volume I and provided an implementation guide for those responsible for the testing of effective steering
- Volume III contains examples of effective steering system control.
- guide for effective steering of the internal control system thus complements the collection of reference documents produced by the COSO and always end up being adopted and / or adapted by organizations and standard setters around the world. Deeply a French translation was created to allow rapid application of these tools our country by speaking of obedience.
- Bibliography
Friday, October 16, 2009
Ideas To Jack Off With
Thirty designers will occupy the space of columns and offer our audience a wealth of original pieces performed in small series or unique pieces. This is the place to do his year-end gifts.
This year the world of children is being honored with the presence various artists working in the field of children through the realization of original mobile, toys and blanket, children's room decor, accessories such as comforters, sleeping bag etc.. A collection entirely original.
fans will be rewarded with beautiful pieces from discovering beautiful garden furniture.
As you can see, it will be difficult for many visitors the event of not finding their happiness. To thank
somehow our visitors for coming, ILYAKA organizes a raffle where prizes are: 1st prize
: Woman sculpture worth € de100
2nd prize: cushion + pad an original value of 45
3rd prize: white glass vase decorated with a feather value of 33 €
Tickets can be collected at each booth and the draw will place Sunday, November 23 at 17:30 (attendance is mandatory at the time of the draw).
And finally the "Kids" still offers its services to keep or make up your little darlings free
ID HOUSE, Space "Columns" November 21 from 12:00 to 19:00, on 22 and 23 November 10.30am to 19.00. Free admission. Rens: 06 21 25 10 00
Friday, July 24, 2009
Back Pain To Left Side Of Upper Waist
This show dedicated to home decoration brings together some thirty artists from fields as diverse as furniture, ceramics, tableware, linens, lighting, stained glass, decorative child, etc.. ... It
is important to note that the show HOUSE ID is the only show of its kind to be organized in the region south of Paris.
Like last year ILYAKA Association organizes a raffle ID HOME. And like every year our youngest visitors can return to daycare booth Saturday and Sunday afternoons with free makeup.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Lymph Nodes Shooting Pain
A year ends, another is born. At the dawn of 2009 I wish you all:
another year of prosperity and abundance a year of enrichment and knowledge
a year of peace and hope in humanity ... Happy New Year 2009!!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Maxi Mounds Retirement
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Blood In Back Of Throat
On October 17, 2008 ending at Club Med
Dakar (Senegal
- ) 3
- th
technical days, - for graduates of the Diploma of Education
- Higher Accounting and Financial Management ( DESCOGEF
accounting graduate of the UEMOA zone ( DECOFI ) since the first results in DESCOGEF 2002, the organization of the review and publication of the first results will eventually convince the crisis is behind us.
Also while encouraging the memoirists in the end, it seems about to greet all the players who competed that the curriculum was created and by those who initiate a crisis early
solution. mobilization graduates DESCOGEF techniques for those days (over 50 participants for 3 days th techniques!) Will not fail to stress the importance of this great training tool that is accountancy serving our economies and to convince that the efforts made by the actors mentioned above not be in vain.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Do You Faint With Your Eyes Open
Hello, you find below Table 2 / 2 Offences social leaders relating to taxes and penalties in Burkina Faso.
VII: Offences
tax law in Burkina Faso
Note: For a better view of the table see: